Tuesday, January 11, 2011


*Originally posted 5/20/2010*

I got tagged in this chain thing for Facebook yesterday where you write 25 random things about yourself, and then tag 25 people to do the same. I thought it was so insightful that I decided to post it here as well. I learned a lot about myself!

1. Taxis used to scare the shit out of me, but now I'm just a little skeptical.

2. When there is any tension around me, like friends bickering, I get extremely stressed, but I don't show it

3. I'm very judgmental of first impressions, but usually change my mind

4. Whenever I walk uphill, I jump to see if this time I'll actually fly

5. Sometimes I laugh myself awake. This is the coolest feeling ever.

6. There are 2 pictures of extremely obese people on my phone, and will probably be more in time... [01/24/11 - I now have 5 pictures]

7. It's not hard to convince me to go somewhere at any time, depending on who you are, and if I'm free from school/work at that moment

8. I ask you what music I should download so I can get to know your tastes, and not just in music

9. Hats are my favorite accessory, though I can't find many I can pull off

10. Insecurity is the most unattractive attribute a person can have. Nobody wants to hear about it!

11. The beach is beautiful on cold, cloudy days (especially if it's not windy)

12. Seeing a movie in theaters is a waste of time and money unless it's imax and/or 3D

13. Aimlessly walking with friends sounds more attractive than watching TV

14. I'm only shy if I'm the outsider in a small group of close friends.

15. There is sarcasm in most of my friendly conversations

16. Friends have informed me that I animate my emotions with enthusiasm, especially when I'm happy

17. I dislike, and try to avoid sentences that begin with the word "I"

18. If you have no ambition or goals, even seemingly meaningless ones, then I'm probably not interested in talking to you

19. There is this one little spot on my left ribcage that effing hurts like a bitch when I breathe too hard or slouch too much

20. My mom used to have the exact birthmark that I have, in the same place, until I stole it whilst in the womb

21. My biggest goal in life is to be a mother; everything else is just preparation for that.

22. But before having a child, I want to travel Africa (especially northern) and South America.

23. The Weepies is my favorite band this month (yes, it changes every month). Tegan & Sara, Manchester Orchestra, Train, and Carolina Liar follow closely behind.

24. Some songs have a certain memory connected to them, and I get the same overall feeling listening to the song as I had in the memory. It's hard to explain, but I can smell and feel the memory. They're my most vivid, detailed memories. For example: "Shotgun Down the Avalanche" by Shawn Colvin. I was listening to this in my room in Lagunitas in (I think) 3rd or 4th grade, on a tape player. My mom was fighting loudly with somebody downstairs. It was a male voice, but I don't remember who it was. It was in the afternoon, the sun was going down; I remember all the dark yellow colors and how they played on the brown of the redwood in my room. I was sitting on the floor in front of my sliding glass doors and I couldn't feel my feet because they were so cold, so I was drawing on them. I just felt so peaceful and happy, despite the cold and tension in the house. At that moment, I realized that I am independent and can make myself happy. I feel this sensation every time I hear the song now and it gives me goose-bumps. All of those songs with memories attached will give me goose-bumps.

25. It's very difficult to make me angry, let alone show it.

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